Saturday, April 19, 2014


Hello! It is about time to create another blog 1) to share my experiences with my friends and family who are far away; 2) just because it is fun. You wouldn't believe it, but I first found blogs to be fun after having to create a blog post on "La Semaine de Gout" for a French class in college (yes, I am a nerd).

Unlike my previous blogs that focused on my summer service experiences in Togo and Cheraw (which are really cool, and you should check them out on the side bar), I want this blog to be more free form to accommodate all sorts of adventures that I may encounter. Things to watch out for would be my awkward adventures with plants and planting, cooking up a storm or not, travels to places, random cool topics (something along the lines of La Semaine de Gout, or anything I find in NY Times), and just events in life. Alright, here I go!